
Last week I got to meet with Jacqueline & Jermaine’s family to take their daughter Madison’s newborn photos. A little over three years ago I first met them as I took their son Nathaniel’s photos. I’ve done photos a couple times for their family so the moment I heard the news about Madison I was excited to hear they were looking forward to spending a little time with me so I could capture moments with their sweet baby girl. Here she is just over a week old.

Madison was such a sweet little girl and quite sleepy. I adore baby yawns.

Madison was such a sweet sleepy newborn most of her time with me, but for a brief few minute she was awake…here was one of the only moments I got to see those sweet little eyes.

Thankfully it wasn’t too tough to get her back to sleep for more dreamy newborn pictures.

She didn’t fuss much but we did have a few moments where she let me know who was boss.

Nathaniel joined us for a few photos. He definitely was more interested with playing than taking photos but we managed to capture a few quick moments of him with his baby sister.

I swear it doesn’t seem like that long ago when he was the baby that I was photographing…my how you’ve grown Nathaniel…such a handsome little boy.

Most of my favorite moments of the day were of Madison and her family. She sure did love to cuddle with her mother.

She slept so peacefully for me that we were able to do an adorable photo of her in Jermaine’s hands.

A lot of people ask “how” shots are taken…of course Jermaine did such a great job and was a good sport. It always looks a lot easier than it really was…this took us quite a bit of time trying to get her into the perfect position.

Jermaine was a great sport and definitely one of the best dad’s in the many I’ve photographed with their newborns. He took a big risk allowing me to photograph him with Madison totally diaperless. Very early on in working with both of them she pooped and peed and I promised Jermaine I’d capture amazing moments with them both. Yes, these moments were amazing.

We captured just a few more photos of beautiful Madison before we finished up.

Jacqueline & Jermaine congratulations again. You’ve been blessed with an adorable little girl. Best wishes to your family.

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