A picture for Shanna

signature.jpgI must say that Hope is a creative little kid. She’s got such an imagination and draws some of the cutest things – considering her age. She makes sure she claims her work because just about everything she creates she signs with “Hope”. It’s amazing to see the world from her perspective so it looks like we’re going to have to begin a series of drawings Hope’s created.

shanna-pic.jpgFirst on the list is the picture Hope created for Miss Shanna. Before we went on our trip Hope had talked to Shanna on the phone and not long after she got so excited to go visit Shanna and Tayler that she said she wanted to draw a picture for Shanna. Somehow that picture got misplaced in her room and we got so busy before leaving on vacation that we didn’t have time to find it so we could give the picture to Shanna. Hope was upset on the way to Shanna’s because she realized she forgot the picture. Luckily we found it when we returned home. Today as I was preparing to mail it along with some other photos Hope said she wanted to draw so on the back side of the drawing she drew another picture, to include a really cute picture of Shanna, Hope and Tayler. The faces were very expressive! And of course, she signed it with one of those cute signatures she has.

To take a look at more of Hope’s creativity check out the set of Hope’s art photos on Flickr.

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